The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is one of the six main organs of the United Nations established by the UN Charter in 1946. It is one of the principal body for coordination, policy review and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as for the implementation of the internationationally agreed development goals.
Main functions of ECOSOC:
👉Serves as the central mechanism for the acivities of the United Nations system and its specialized agencies.
👉It also supervises the subsidiary and expert bodies in the economic, social and environmental fields.
👉It engages a variety of stakeholders i.e policymakers, parliamentarians, academics and NGO's etc in productive dialogue on sustainable development.
It's annual highlevel segments includes High level Political Forum that provides political leadership, guidance and recommendations for sustainable development, and development Cooperation Forum that reviews trends and progress in development cooperation.
The different functional commissions attached to ECOSOC are:
⦿ UN Commission for Social Development : It advises ECOSOC on social policies of general character.
⦿UN Human Rights Council: It is an intergovernmental body that addresses human rights-related situations in all UN member states.
⦿Commission on Sustainable Development: Its is tasked with overseeing the outcomes of the 1992 Earth Summit.
⦿UN Commission on the Status of Women: It is a global intergovernmental body dedicated to promoting gender equality and women empowement.
⦿Commission on Narcotic Drugs: It is the central drug policy making body within the United Nations System.
⦿UN Statistical Commission: It promotes the development of national statistics.
⦿UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development: It provides high level advice on relevant issues and appropriate policy recommendations on science and technology.