Reconstitution of Central Advisory Board on Archaeology


The Central Advisory Board on Archaeology (CABA), which was formed was formed 7-years ago to boost the ties between the people who are working in the field of archaeological research and the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has been re-established. Recently, the CABA has been reconstituted by the ASI.

What will be the function of the board?

  • The board has been formed to strengthen the bridge between archaeological research, Indian universities, and the Archaeological Survey of India.
  • The Board will meet once a year and will be advising the Central government regarding various archaeological matters.
  • The board will be looking to promote the application of antiquarian principles.
  • The board will also be promoting the training of future archaeologists and through various activities of the ASI, will be bridging ties between the state governments and the societies of India.

Who will this reconstituted board comprise?

The board has been reconstituted by the ASI re-constituted to include the Culture Minister as the chairperson and also includes ASI and Culture Ministry officials, state government nominees, MPs, scientists, university representatives, and experts on the Indus Valley script among the members. This board will also consist of 5 persons that will be nominated by the Indian Government along with the former Director-General of ASI.

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