What do you understand by 'The String of Pearls'? How does it impact India? Briefly outline the steps taken by India to counter this.
The term 'string of pearls' was coined to describe China's increasing forays into the Indian Ocean, discernible through its efforts to establish 'nodes of influence' in the region, via an assertive diplomacy primarily geared towards strengthening its economic and security ties with countries as diverse as Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
According to theory of String of Pearls, China is engaged in a concerted strategy of developing a string of naval facilities across the northern Indian Ocean that would be available for use by the Chinese navy in the event of a conflict.
The 'String of Pearls' is part of a broader concern in India about China's role in southern Asia and the Indian Ocean Region. As India is getting choked by the 'String of Pearls' and is f3aced by stiff competition from China in its hunt for resources, India is readying itself for a not-so-impossible military's show down with China.
Indian government worries that China is expanding its sphere of regional influence by surrounding India with a 'string of pearls' that could eventually undermine India's pre-eminence and potentially rise to an economic and security threat.
Acting on this threat perception, India has sought to develop and upgrade its naval capability in the Indian Ocean with an aim to achieve three specific objectives. First, the Indian Navy has sought to aggressively police India's maritime boundary and coastal waters. Second, India has sought to acquire a greater naval presence in the Indian Ocean high seas with an aim to confront and, if requires, strike at hostile forces. And, third, India has sought to form coalitions with littoral states and major powers that, like India, see the growing Chinese naval presence in the Indian Ocean with apprehension and as a threat.
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