UPSC/TNPSC GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Violence against women has an age-old history. Women worldwide have been forced to suffer abuses, harassment, torture, humiliation and exploitation since the inception of the society. In India, rape is a serious issue. The problem involves diverse dimensions including: Treating Women as Inferior : Our society is still finding it difficult to accept even the basics of gender equality. We still have very high rates of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, and domestic violence including marital rape. The notion that women are less important is deeply rooted in the minds of common people. This proves to be endemic because it leads to male superiority in the sense that women are there to serve men. So, the need is to bring down the idea of gender equality from the unheard articles of the Constitution to homes, schools, workplaces and everyday life because like everything else, change starts at the grass-root level. Low Representation of Women: Res...